Thursday Jun 16th, 2016





I am so excited, summer is only a few days away!

Love the hot days when it feels like your getting a cozy warm hug as you step out of a (usually way to cold) air conditioned building.

Love the ice cream (check out my next post) that for some reason in summer...who cares about a diet!

I love the warm evenings when all the neighbours are outside and you can hear kids doing what kids do best in the summer, having fun.

But wait! There's more.......VACATION!

Here are a few tips to keep your home safe while your away.

1.  Use timers on your lights and have them go on and off at different times in the house

2.  Have someone mow your lawn so the yard looks well kept

3.  Suspend your newspapers and have a neighbour pick up your mail.

4.  Shut off the main water supply

5. Don't post on social media when your going to be away

and just for fun check all your doors and windows are locked! I know you already did that.

(one more thing that I do is put a large dog water bowl on our front porch and a dog chain)


Wishing you all a fun and safe summer!

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